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Fair Employment Application

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Have you ever worked for the Marin County Fair?
Will you be at least 18 years old by July 3, 2024?
If you are under the age of 18, do you have a work permit?
Would you be interested in working Pre-Fair Hours (starting in June)?

Top 3 job choices

(#1 being your top choice)

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Availability Restrictions

Please note any time or availability restrictions between July 2 and 8 below

Employment History


Did you Graduate?
Did you Graduate?

Personal Information

Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, either with or without reasonable accommodations?

Conditions of Employment:

The Marin County Fair is an Equal Opportunity Employer and appointments are based on merit, without regard to race, religion, color, gender, ancestry, place of origin, marital status or disability. I acknowledge that my employment is a contract position only. I acknowledge the Marin County Fair is an “At Will” employer and the County may terminate my employment for convenience or without cause. I understand that I am free to terminate my employment with or without a reason. I agree to further and promote the interests of the Marin County Fair at all times.


I certify that the information in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that my employment is conditional upon meeting job-related requirements to the Marin County Fair’s satisfaction, satisfactory references, and that my employment will be subject to the above conditions of employment. Any false statements contained herein will disqualify me from employment or result in immediate dismissal for just cause.

Clear Signature